Sunday, October 21, 2012

Spiritual Transformation, The Power of Yoga, & Big Questions - Care2

The Chopra Well, is proud to announce the launch of three new shows this fall! 30 Days of Intent, Urban Yogis, and The Rabbit Hole are unprecedented shows targeted to engage the critical mass on a journey of exploration, transformation, wellness, and growth. Our unique position as a YouTube channel allows us to harness the communicative power of technology to share uplifting, inspiring stories ? entirely free of cost, as they should be!

Deepak?s thoughts on technology and social media?

Social Media is a powerful tool that connects people from around the world, and gives them practical ways to improve their lives. Technology allows us to build a critical mass of people dedicated to personal transformation for global transformation.

The channel draws on Deepak, Gotham?and?Mallika?s collective experiences, inter-generational wisdom and life journeys to help fulfill their mission to inspire 100 million people to change the world, one personal transformation at a time. We offer shows on how to meditate, become happier, do yoga, come to terms with death and loss, become more spiritual, increase personal awareness, realize one?s full potential, and integrate mind, body, and spirit for overall health.

Here?s a bit more on our new shows:

30 Days of Intent is a reality series that takes viewers on a journey of physical, emotional, and spiritual transformation. Two brave participants ? YouTube star Iman Crosson (?Alphacat?) and former professional soccer player Natalie Spilger ? plunge from their comfort zones in order to work on powerful intentions to change their lives.?Led by Deepak Chopra, Mallika Chopra, and a team of experts,?Iman and Natalie endure experiences and gain tools that range from spiritual psychology, healing horse therapy, yoga, underwater massage, orgasmic meditation, and reflections on death and dying. Guest stars include (to name a few):

Read more: Community, Do Good, Fitness, Health, Life, Love, Spirit, Yoga, alphacat, brain, cancer, Chopra Well, Community Service, Deepak Chopra, God, Gotham Chopra, iman crosson, inner-city, makeover, Mallika Chopra, meditation, moby, natalie spilger, personal growth, rainn wilson, reality, religion, russell brand, russell simmons, science, social media, spirit, technology, violence, wellness, yoga, youth

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