Friday, March 16, 2012

Health insurance questions ? Insurance policy in easy steps with the ...

One?s mind will be filled with health ?insurance questions and one would wonder how to start in the first place. Any expense tugs at the wallet. Even if it is ?teensy weensy ones. It is small matters one should be careful about and since these are not things we can ignore, it is only right that we start to ask about the why?s and when?s of these expenses. To get the answer to your questions on the topic you should consult the experts. Insurance was not known or at least was an obscure subject a few decades back. People used to look at insurance agents without the respect they deserve. Now this could go on, like the rant of frogs on ?a rainy night.

It is like the appearance of stars at night, somehow magical; they are all in position one after the other. There are very important Health ?insurance questions one should become acquainted with before one starts to get one?s ?insurance policy. Greet the policy salesman with some respect; he is making sure that the way forward is something you can look forward to. The insurance agent will answer all your Health ?insurance questions once you give him a call.

There are people who say ?I want to buy health insurance? and yet are unsure how to proceed. It is very easy if you follow the procedure outlined. It is the way you wake up in the morning, it is the way you eat your food, and it is the way you live. Make your policy with the same determination. For the untutored the way to get some assurance on the matter is to follow the problem closely. Address the question directly, you should clarify anything rankling in your mind. Get directions from the agent or the officer in charge at the insurance office.

What the options which I am offered

If I want to buy health insurance then it is only natural that I know what I am buying. There are individual plans, group plans , children?s plans and short term plans. You have several payment options depending o the company and the service provider you select.

What do I have to pay

You will be asked to pay an enrollment fee which may be non reimbursable . Then you would have to pay the premiums according to the deductible that you have chosen. You would also be asked some medical insurance questions which seek to establish your medical condition.

What is the nature of the payment

When you visit your doctor, ?you will have to pay a portion of the amount. This is an amount, say 30% of the doctor?s fees , and depends on the understanding between the doctor and the service provider. For this you will be asked to choose the doctor who is to look after your health concerns. This doctor may be the one in your locality or one who is visiting your locality according to the provisions of the agreement between him and the service provider. ?He will look after you for the amount fixed, the rest of the amount will be paid by the insurance company. The medical insurance questions like the term of the policy or the state of the health of the applicant are meant to keep the doctor informed about the patient.

Who are insurance providers

There are many service providers. These are the people who arrange for the doctors to attend to the people, pay their fees ( at least a portion of it) and make sure that the customer is fully satisfied with the service. Some of the top service providers are :

a) ???Allianz Worldwide

b) ??MetLife

c) ???Prudential Financial

d) ??Aviva

e) ??AEGON

How do the doctors and dentists fit in

These doctors and dentists are chosen after extensive tests are conducted. Many factors play a part in their selection, like aptitude and dedication, length of service, proximity of the doctor?s place of operation and the amount that he charges.

What do the premiums cover

The premiums cover almost all the known diseases and medical conditions. One will be charged an amount of course, but it will be only a small percentage of the actual doctor?s fees. Some of the services will be free and some of the policies will have several office visits free.

How often do I have to pay the premiums

The premiums cover ?the term of the policy. This will be one year in most cases. At the end of the year you would be required to renew the policy. So that the next time you get the feeling ?I want to buy health insurance? make sure you know all the answers. You may only need to renew your policy.

Do I need to submit for a medical examination

It may be mandatory for most people to submit for ?a physical and medical examination to determine whether you are having any medical conditions. The examination will depend on the type of cover that you are hoping to get as well the time period for which you are aiming to stay covered. If there are any medical insurance questions which you are still uncertain of, you could clarify them with the ?Help? section on the web site of the service provider.



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